Easier to Worship Jesus then Follow him

Spirituality, October 17, 2021

Having faith and deeds to back them up is the way to personal and community transformation. It's far easier to profess than to put into action the message of Jesus

Christians will gather in a building on Saturday or Sunday and engage in worship (singing and praising God) before sitting down to a sermon from the pastor. Many Christians get stuck in the weekend rut of passive religiosity with little imprint on their daily lives outside the church building during the week.

Jesus defined a church as a group of people who "follow him". People become part of the church by exercising faith - putting faith into action.  It was never about a larger building, laced with expensive audio visual equipment plus the many other associated costs.

Christians believe that Jesus came to earth to die for their sins so they might get into heaven. I’ve heard pastors preach on ‘living for the line and not for the dot’ meaning just follow the rules for your time on earth (the dot) and then live forever in heaven with your fellow Christians and God (the line). This simplistic Salvationist view is creating a damaging mindset that is contrary to what Jesus taught and how he lived. It takes away the power of action in the present to make a difference. 

Jesus was sent to save the world, change our relationship with the vulnerable, and stand for justice. The message was wrapped up in the way he lived - his daily actions.  He challenged the religious establishment, hung out with prostitutes, the homeless,  the mentally ill, the diseased, and dying. He lived very simply, had little possessions, and the one time he displayed anger was when he drove worshipers out of a large church building (Jewish version of a church - synagogue) due to large amounts of money changing hands over the sale of animals to sacrifice (check out my article on this https://everfit.co.nz/articles/jesus-kick-arse-animal-rights-activist )

Jesus was not a Christian. He was a rebel Jewish rabbi (teacher). Through the lens of other religions he is a prophet of God, a Sage (Isha Putra), accomplished Yogi, Dharma master, an incarnation of God sent to show us the path to live, interact, and be. Jesus was all about love in action (not just thoughts & prayer), and self development (time spent in mediation, fasting, and deep discussion*). He was never about creating a new team (religion), in fact many religious scholars talk about Jesus being sent to enhance the stream of knowledge that was already here (my article here reviews a book written by Nahum Ward-Lev explaining this https://everfit.co.nz/articles/everfit-book-review-the-liberating-path-of-the-hebrew-prophets-then-and-now )

Jesus was put to death by the religious establishment in combination with the political regime after his synagogue demonstration (A synagogue is a building where Jews congregated for religious worship and instruction). This suited both parties as Jesus was causing a dangerous faction that threatened religious and political stability. Jesus was doing crazy things like having women in his leadership group, helping people on the sabbath (the religious day of rest - Sunday or Saturday depending on what denomination you belong to), and suggesting we love our neighbour; meaning anyone! This would destroy the elitist system that was benefiting those in religious and political power.

After Jesus’s death his brother James was appointed head of the movement that Jesus had started. The Ebionites become the main group that carried on Jesus message and way of life. Ebionites literally translated as ‘to become poor’. They travelled with shared belongings, helping the disenfranchised, and lived very simply. James was known for his very simple living (cold dips to wash, simple vegetable based diet, and very little personal possessions). James was eventually killed in 62 AD and many of the original followers of Jesus, who actually lived and listened to Jesus fled to Jordon. Many eventually morphed with the Sufi# religion.

Saul who became Paul (after his vision encounter with God on the road to Damascus) never met Jesus. He become a ‘Christian’ around 3 years after Jesus was killed. He had a vision of God and was told not to persecute God by hunting and killing his followers. Paul’s version of Jesus’s message, the Pauline version become the most prominent version of Christianity due to a number of reasons
  1. The original Jesus followers (Jewish Christians) were killed or fled to Jordon after James was killed (62 AD) and after the Jewish uprising in 70 AD.
  2. Paul brought the message to Gentiles (non Jews) and it spread out from Israel far more easily without the political upheaval present in Israel.
  3. Paul’s teachings, and letters become the bulk of the New Testament (13 out of 21 books) after Christianity become the preferred religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th C.

The watered down form of Jesus’s message was far more palatable to the Roman Empire. This Pauline version is much easier to assimilate into western capitalist life now. Super churches with modern audio visuals and improved branding, pastors wearing the latest fashion, and driving nice cars or Harley Davidson motorbikes appeal on a more worldly level.  The authentic, simple, loving message of Jesus may be at the centre but how distorted is it with the wrappings of our materialist, branded culture?

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will."Romans 12:2

It’s far easier to worship Jesus surrounded by our religious peers that think like us, and look like us, within a nice building with a pleasant uplifting message - all of this underpinned with the knowledge that your ticket is punched to a comfortable afterlife if you have accepted Jesus into your heart.  Following the example that Jesus set demands a total change in the systems that create comfort.  Jesus wasn't the only spiritual beacon that has given humanity this message with words and lifestyle (My article here discusses the message bought to society and our need to move towards a BENEFIT MINDSET https://everfit.co.nz/articles/the-evolution-towards-a-benefit-mindset , and this one examines the message of St. Francis of Assisi https://everfit.co.nz/articles/francis-saving-us-and-the-earth ) We need to pursue a life of counter culture discomfort rather than just fit in. Following Jesus means living simply, denying excessive worldly wealth, and becoming all you can be to serve something much bigger than yourself. If this message is put into actions rather than words maybe the world can be saved and humanity along with it. 


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*there are documents and suggestions he travelled to India to study under sages and gurus from the age of 14 to 30 before he came back to try and educate his homeland on how to live in a way that would save ourselves and the world.
Sufism is a mystical form of Islam, a school of practice that emphasizes the inward search for God and shuns materialism. It has produced some of the world’s most beloved literature, like the love poems of the 13th century Iranian jurist Rumi.


Lakewood Church is a Christian megachurch located in Houston, Texas It is one of the largest congregations in the United States, averaging about 52,000 attendees per week