Would Jesus be happy with Christmas?

Spirituality, November 23, 2020

Jesus may be the 'reason for the season' but the religious label combined with poor experiences with religious establishments have put many off connecting deeper with the authentic message of Jesus.

Merry Christmas! Or should we be also using a greeting that is more inclusive, ensuring the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth can be celebrated by all humanity no matter what faith (or non-faith) you are labelled with? I believe Jesus would have wanted that. 


Who was he?

Jesus was a revolutionary Jewish rabbi guru who challenged established culture and fixed religious teaching. From the age of 12 to his late 20’s there is no mention of Jesus in the Bible. During these 'lost years' it is assumed that Jesus worked as a carpenter in Galilee with Joseph (his earthly dad). There is some reports that he studied with the Essenes in the Judea desert, and/or travelled to the east (Puri, Rajgirh - seat of Hindu learnings, Tibetan monasteries in the Himalayas, and Persia) and incorporated many eastern yogic philosophies into his subsequent teachings on his return to Jerusalem.  Jesus lived out the message - a life centered around love for your neighbour (we are ALL connected), our creator, all sentient beings, and the natural world. His simple life of non-violence, justice, caring for the poor, pacifism, downshifting meditation, and vegetarianism challenges the status quo then and now.


His mission

Jesus's mission was to establish the existing prophetic stream of love, compassion, and simple living that was already being carried out by many (this article talks about the works and message of the old testament prophets such as Isaiah https://cncl.info/human-society/isaiahs-warning-to-change/ ) people before him, including John the Baptist and the group called the Essenes. Jesus choose John the Baptist (aptly named) to Baptise him - this was very significant : a symbol of transformation performed by a man who lived a simple life at the edge of the city, ate simple plant based food, and did without modern conveniences. John and his Essene community were literally outliers. Weirdo hippies that didn't subscribe to established culture. They didn’t conform with society, they lived in community, in relative harmony with each other and the natural world. Leaving a very light footprint (check out my article on Francis of Assisi who also lived in simple harmony with others and the earth https://everfit.co.nz/articles/francis-saving-us-and-the-earth). Many believe he was sent to save souls - I believe his mission was the save the world.

Jesus was not a Christian. His teachings of simplicity, living with nature, vegetarianism, and non-violence was completely morphed by the Roman Empire in the 4th century so as not to challenge their way of war, feasting, excess, and having a ruling elite with a peasant class to fight, work, and build the expanding conquering empire. Jesus was killed for being a public nuisance after he stormed the temple and freed all the animals that were being sold for sacrificing and a tidy profit. Jesus was sticking his neck out for the vulnerable and oppressed in society. Jesus expanded his consciousness of compassion to all living creatures. His righteous outrage was also for the vulnerable sentient beings, not only for the temple being turned into a market place (Jesus - an animal rights activist?https://everfit.co.nz/articles/jesus-kick-arse-animal-rights-activist).


Jesus's Way is the Way

Jesus was the ultimate example of how to live and act in a loving, conscious, compassionate way. If you have faith in God then understand God is not limited to human created religious labels. A box of human dogma can not define the loving presence or force of good. God is not Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or Jew. We are all spiritual beings experiencing a physical existence connected to each other and our natural world - 'We are all connected; to each other biologically. To the earth chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically. 'Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Any religion or other human created system that creates division is contrary to what Jesus lived, and ultimately died for (article discussing the common root of Christianity, Islam, and Jewdaism https://everfit.co.nz/articles/the-beautiful-connection-between-judaism-christianity-and-islam

The Christian and Christmas label could be taken as further examples of creating division. The birth of someone as significant as Jesus Christ should not be limited to one religious group. In fact millions of Christians (Quakers, Jehovah's Witnesses, and members of the churches of Christ) do not observe Christmas.  The original religion of Christ born out of the 4th century Roman empire has since fractured into several different tribes - often with bloodshed and chaos. 'Christmas' should be celebrated, together by all humanity.  Don't buy into the consumerist culture that dictates we buy more crap to express love and keep the economy growing. The big fat jolly Santa calls us to purchase stuff. Happy holidays everyone. Find joy in the simple connection with each other and nature. Enjoy time with family, community, and the natural world in simple, compassionate, non-violent, and loving ways. Have a Merry Christmas one and all. 


*Written by Brad Dixon, a physiotherapist, coach, athlete and environmentalist who has NO formal religious qualifications whatsoever 

Brad Dixon is a sports physio, coach, and wellness evangelist based at EVERFIT Physio & Coaching. His passion is promoting enhancing daily habits that nudge people towards potential and save the planet. His book ‘Holistic Human’ is available here - https://everfit.co.nz/Store/Category/Book . The power is in our daily habits! Connect with Brad at www.everfit.co.nz, Facebook, Strava, Instagram (@everfitcoach), and YOU TUBE https://youtube.com/c/EverFITcoach 

Picture Credit : Project completed at Strategy - Illustration Peter Woodlock